17 December 2008 Sharda Ganpat, a Surinamese Hindu living in The Hague,
the Netherlands, cut a large potato in half while preparing for her meal.
To her great surprise she discovered a cross shape in each half.
Brewster thought she had received a sign when the first potato she cut into
looked rotten, and she put it aside. But her 10-year-old granddaughter asked
her to take another look. Brewster saw an unmistakable image in the middle
of the potato.
"That's Jesus on the cross," she said. The image has strengthened
her faith and desire to help people at the church. "I just want people
to know God is still as real today as he was back then and he can show up
any time he gets ready," said Brewster.
(Source: Share International)
note Editorial
Creme's Master confirms that the cross was manifested by Maitreya.
According to Benjamin Creme, editor of Share
International magazine, all the miracles are signs of the imminent
emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his group, the Masters of
Wisdom. They are the custodians of the Divine Plan for this planet and
are returning now to show us the way out of our current difficulties and
bring the new teachings which will guide humanity towards its next evolutionary
step. Soon we will see Maitreya on television, interviewed on a major
American network and hear his call for sharing and justice, as the only
way to peace.
Benjamin Creme writes: "Over many years Maitreya and his group of Masters
have saturated the world with miracles. All religious groups look for
signs. It is through the signs that they know the teacher is in the world
or is coming into the world. You only have to keep awake and you will
see that signs are everywhere. In every country in the world, in every
religious setting, there are signs of one kind or another."
His telepathic contact with a Master of Wisdom allows Benjamin Creme to
receive up-to-date information on the Maitreya's emergence and to expand
on the Ageless Wisdom Teachings. Through this contact Benjamin Creme's
Master regularly confirms whether a phenomenon is a miracle that was manifested
by one or other of the Masters. Most the miracles are manifested by Maitreya
Himself, the Master Jesus or the Master Who was the Madonna.
from: Share International January/February 2009

A young Baptist woman in Arlington, Texas, has discovered a grape bearing
the image of the Virgin Mary. Becky Ginn posted a photograph of the grape
on her LiveJournal and then contacted NBC 5. "I thought this stuff
just happened to Catholics?" she said. "We generally don't expect
to see holy people popping up in our foodstuffs." However, she has
not made a shrine to it or prayed to it, she said.
(Source: NBC5.com)
note Editorial
Creme's Master confirms that it is an authentic sign manifested by the
Master Jesus.
According to Benjamin Creme, editor of Share
International magazine, all the miracles are signs of the imminent
emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his group, the Masters of
Wisdom. They are the custodians of the Divine Plan for this planet and
are returning now to show us the way out of our current difficulties and
bring the new teachings which will guide humanity towards its next evolutionary
step. Soon we will see Maitreya on television, interviewed on a major
American network and hear his call for sharing and justice, as the only
way to peace.
Benjamin Creme writes: "Over many years Maitreya and his group of Masters
have saturated the world with miracles. All religious groups look for
signs. It is through the signs that they know the teacher is in the world
or is coming into the world. You only have to keep awake and you will
see that signs are everywhere. In every country in the world, in every
religious setting, there are signs of one kind or another."
His telepathic contact with a Master of Wisdom allows Benjamin Creme to
receive up-to-date information on the Maitreya's emergence and to expand
on the Ageless Wisdom Teachings. Through this contact Benjamin Creme's
Master regularly confirms whether a phenomenon is a miracle that was manifested
by one or other of the Masters. Most the miracles are manifested by Maitreya
Himself, the Master Jesus or the Master Who was the Madonna.
from: Share International November 2008
ultimate potato
Renée Brewster of Marion County, Florida, was starting to make potato
salad for her church one day in January 2008. She said, "I was hesitant
about making the potato salad because Sister Frankie makes the potato salad
at church and I said, 'Lord if it's not for me to make potato salad then
send me a sign.'"
Brewster thought she had received a sign when the first potato she cut into
looked rotten, and she put it aside. But her 10-year-old granddaughter asked
her to take another look. Brewster saw an unmistakable image in the middle
of the potato.
"That's Jesus on the cross," she said. The image has strengthened
her faith and desire to help people at the church. "I just want people
to know God is still as real today as he was back then and he can show up
any time he gets ready," said Brewster.
(Source: www.myfoxorlando.com)
note Editorial
Creme's Master confirms that the Master Jesus manifested this miracle.
According to Benjamin Creme, editor of Share
International magazine, all the miracles are signs of the imminent
emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his group, the Masters of
Wisdom. They are the custodians of the Divine Plan for this planet and
are returning now to show us the way out of our current difficulties and
bring the new teachings which will guide humanity towards its next evolutionary
step. Soon we will see Maitreya on television, interviewed on a major
American network and hear his call for sharing and justice, as the only
way to peace.
Benjamin Creme writes: "Over many years Maitreya and his group of Masters
have saturated the world with miracles. All religious groups look for
signs. It is through the signs that they know the teacher is in the world
or is coming into the world. You only have to keep awake and you will
see that signs are everywhere. In every country in the world, in every
religious setting, there are signs of one kind or another."
His telepathic contact with a Master of Wisdom allows Benjamin Creme to
receive up-to-date information on the Maitreya's emergence and to expand
on the Ageless Wisdom Teachings. Through this contact Benjamin Creme's
Master regularly confirms whether a phenomenon is a miracle that was manifested
by one or other of the Masters. Most the miracles are manifested by Maitreya
Himself, the Master Jesus or the Master Who was the Madonna.
from: Share International March 2008
is not the first time that miracles have occurred in fruit or vegetables
and certainly not the last - but for Felicia Teske it must have seemed like
the all-time miracle when she read the word "GOD" formed by seeds
in an aubergine [eggplant] she had just started slicing.
Ms Teske, of Boothwyn, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, USA, was preparing
dinner on 12 August 2007 when she noticed "GOD" spelled out in
capital letters on one slice of the vegetable. She showed the sliced eggplant
to her husband Paul who decided to call local media - Action News.
Felicia Teske was still mourning the deaths of a number of family members;
she sees the miracle in the aubergine as a message of comfort from God.
She told Action News that she recently had family members pass away and
it is comforting that "GOD" appeared.
(Source: Action News and 6abc, USA)
Editorial note
Editorial note:
Creme's Master confirms that this is an authentic miracle manifested by
According to Benjamin Creme, editor of Share
International magazine, all the miracles are signs of the imminent
emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his group, the Masters of
Wisdom. They are the custodians of the Divine Plan for this planet and
are returning now to show us the way out of our current difficulties and
bring the new teachings which will guide humanity towards its next evolutionary
step. Soon we will see Maitreya on television, interviewed on a major
American network and hear his call for sharing and justice, as the only
way to peace.
Benjamin Creme writes: "Over many years Maitreya and his group of Masters
have saturated the world with miracles. All religious groups look for
signs. It is through the signs that they know the teacher is in the world
or is coming into the world. You only have to keep awake and you will
see that signs are everywhere. In every country in the world, in every
religious setting, there are signs of one kind or another."
His telepathic contact with a Master of Wisdom allows Benjamin Creme to
receive up-to-date information on the Maitreya's emergence and to expand
on the Ageless Wisdom Teachings. Through this contact Benjamin Creme's
Master regularly confirms whether a phenomenon is a miracle that was manifested
by one or other of the Masters. Most the miracles are manifested by Maitreya
Himself, the Master Jesus or the Master Who was the Madonna.
from: Share International September 2007
Asif Hamid of Preston, Lancashire, UK, is trying to preserve a leek which
he bought recently. The reason? The vegetable quite clearly has the word
Allah 'written' on it in Arabic script. Mr Hamid believes that fate directed
him to buy the 'miracle vegetable'. He said he had looked at, and picked
up, quite a number of leeks before choosing the one he bought. Mr Hamid
rushed to show friends and family who were also convinced they could read
the name 'Allah' on the vegetable.
(Source: The Citizen, UK; www.theasiannews.co.uk)
Editorial note
Editorial note:
Creme's Master confirms this to be a genuine miracle manifested by Maitreya.
According to Benjamin Creme, editor of Share
International magazine, all the miracles are signs of the imminent
emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his group, the Masters of
Wisdom. They are the custodians of the Divine Plan for this planet and
are returning now to show us the way out of our current difficulties and
bring the new teachings which will guide humanity towards its next evolutionary
step. Soon we will see Maitreya on television, interviewed on a major
American network and hear his call for sharing and justice, as the only
way to peace.
Benjamin Creme writes: "Over many years Maitreya and his group of Masters
have saturated the world with miracles. All religious groups look for
signs. It is through the signs that they know the teacher is in the world
or is coming into the world. You only have to keep awake and you will
see that signs are everywhere. In every country in the world, in every
religious setting, there are signs of one kind or another."
His telepathic contact with a Master of Wisdom allows Benjamin Creme to
receive up-to-date information on the Maitreya's emergence and to expand
on the Ageless Wisdom Teachings. Through this contact Benjamin Creme's
Master regularly confirms whether a phenomenon is a miracle that was manifested
by one or other of the Masters. Most the miracles are manifested by Maitreya
Himself, the Master Jesus or the Master Who was the Madonna.
from: Share International May 2004
seeds spell out "Allah"
Visitors are coming to see an unusual vegetable in Mendhasal village,
near Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India, after an Indian woman cut open
an aubergine to find seeds spelling out the word 'Allah' in Urdu
script. The local newspaper Sambad reported that Muhammad Khalil's
wife, who bought the aubergine from the local market, informed the
Imam, who ordered the vegetable to be kept in a mosque for offering
prayers. Hundreds of Muslims have converged on the mosque to see
the vegetable.
(Source: www.ananova.com)
Editorial note
Editorial note:
Creme's Master confirms that this is an authentic miracle, a sign,
manifested by Maitreya.
According to Benjamin Creme, editor of Share
International magazine, all the miracles are signs of the
imminent emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his group,
the Masters of Wisdom. They are the custodians of the Divine Plan
for this planet and are returning now to show us the way out of
our current difficulties and bring the new teachings which will
guide humanity towards its next evolutionary step. Soon we will
see Maitreya on television, interviewed on a major American network
and hear his call for sharing and justice, as the only way to peace.
Benjamin Creme writes: "Over many years Maitreya and his group of Masters
have saturated the world with miracles. All religious groups look for
signs. It is through the signs that they know the teacher is in the world
or is coming into the world. You only have to keep awake and you will
see that signs are everywhere. In every country in the world, in every
religious setting, there are signs of one kind or another."
His telepathic contact with a Master of Wisdom allows Benjamin Creme to
receive up-to-date information on the Maitreya's emergence and to expand
on the Ageless Wisdom Teachings. Through this contact Benjamin Creme's
Master regularly confirms whether a phenomenon is a miracle that was manifested
by one or other of the Masters. Most the miracles are manifested by Maitreya
Himself, the Master Jesus or the Master Who was the Madonna.
from: Share International May 2003
"Miracle"-Aubergine |
message on eggshell
A housewife in Brunei who was about to fry an egg discovered that its shell
had on it writings from the Kalimah, a revered Islamic text, which said:
ilaha illallah," meaning "There is no God but Allah". The
housewife had bought the egg from a leading department store and said that
she would be
keeping it.
Another 'strange' egg was discovered by a family from Brunei's Kuala Belait
District, with the word "Allah" found embedded in the eggshell.
It was only when one of the family members was preparing the egg as a gift
for a "Khatamal-Quran" (recitation of Holy Quran) competition,
that she saw the writing.
(Source: Brunei Press, Brunei)
Editorial note
Editorial note:
Creme's Master confirms these miracles to be the work of Maitreya.
According to Benjamin Creme, editor of Share
International magazine, all the miracles are signs of the imminent
emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his group, the Masters of
Wisdom. They are the custodians of the Divine Plan for this planet and
are returning now to show us the way out of our current difficulties and
bring the new teachings which will guide humanity towards its next evolutionary
step. Soon we will see Maitreya on television, interviewed on a major
American network and hear his call for sharing and justice, as the only
way to peace.
Benjamin Creme writes: "Over many years Maitreya and his group of Masters
have saturated the world with miracles. All religious groups look for
signs. It is through the signs that they know the teacher is in the world
or is coming into the world. You only have to keep awake and you will
see that signs are everywhere. In every country in the world, in every
religious setting, there are signs of one kind or another."
His telepathic contact with a Master of Wisdom allows Benjamin Creme to
receive up-to-date information on the Maitreya's emergence and to expand
on the Ageless Wisdom Teachings. Through this contact Benjamin Creme's
Master regularly confirms whether a phenomenon is a miracle that was manifested
by one or other of the Masters. Most the miracles are manifested by Maitreya
Himself, the Master Jesus or the Master Who was the Madonna.
from: Share International November 2002

A "miracle egg" showing the Arabic script for Allah imprinted
on its shell has been discovered by a shopkeeper in the Islamic community
of Berlin. Ismael Kaya discovered it among a delivery of 500 eggs. Inspite
of media scepticism, Kaya and fellow Muslims believe it to be genuine. Kaya
has rejected 500 Euro offered for his egg by an Islamic priest and prefers
to display it in his shop.
(Source: BZ (Berlin))
Editorial note
Editorial note:
Creme's Master confirms that the Master Jesus was responsible for this
According to Benjamin Creme, editor of Share
International magazine, all the miracles are signs of the imminent
emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his group, the Masters of
Wisdom. They are the custodians of the Divine Plan for this planet and
are returning now to show us the way out of our current difficulties and
bring the new teachings which will guide humanity towards its next evolutionary
step. Soon we will see Maitreya on television, interviewed on a major
American network and hear his call for sharing and justice, as the only
way to peace.
Benjamin Creme writes: "Over many years Maitreya and his group of Masters
have saturated the world with miracles. All religious groups look for
signs. It is through the signs that they know the teacher is in the world
or is coming into the world. You only have to keep awake and you will
see that signs are everywhere. In every country in the world, in every
religious setting, there are signs of one kind or another."
His telepathic contact with a Master of Wisdom allows Benjamin Creme to
receive up-to-date information on the Maitreya's emergence and to expand
on the Ageless Wisdom Teachings. Through this contact Benjamin Creme's
Master regularly confirms whether a phenomenon is a miracle that was manifested
by one or other of the Masters. Most the miracles are manifested by Maitreya
Himself, the Master Jesus or the Master Who was the Madonna.
from: Share International, April 2001
On Easter Monday in the UK, two vegetable miracles occurred, on a potato
and an aubergine. Linda Coles, 32, from Hull, was amazed to discover, on
slicing a potato for the family's fish-and-chip meal, a crucifix shape.
"It's amazing," said Linda's husband, who took the potato to his
local Catholic church. "It's just such a perfect crucifix shape."
On the same day, in Manchester, an aubergine was cut open to read "Allah"
in its pattern of seeds.
(Source: The Guardian, UK)
Editorial note
Editorial note:
Creme's Master confirms that the "crucifix" in the potato was
manifested by the Master Jesus, and that the word "Allah" in
the aubergine was manifested by a Master of Islamic origin in Cairo.
According to Benjamin Creme, editor of Share
International magazine, all the miracles are signs of the imminent
emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his group, the Masters of
Wisdom. They are the custodians of the Divine Plan for this planet and
are returning now to show us the way out of our current difficulties and
bring the new teachings which will guide humanity towards its next evolutionary
step. Soon we will see Maitreya on television, interviewed on a major
American network and hear his call for sharing and justice, as the only
way to peace.
Benjamin Creme writes: "Over many years Maitreya and his group of Masters
have saturated the world with miracles. All religious groups look for
signs. It is through the signs that they know the teacher is in the world
or is coming into the world. You only have to keep awake and you will
see that signs are everywhere. In every country in the world, in every
religious setting, there are signs of one kind or another."
His telepathic contact with a Master of Wisdom allows Benjamin Creme to
receive up-to-date information on the Maitreya's emergence and to expand
on the Ageless Wisdom Teachings. Through this contact Benjamin Creme's
Master regularly confirms whether a phenomenon is a miracle that was manifested
by one or other of the Masters. Most the miracles are manifested by Maitreya
Himself, the Master Jesus or the Master Who was the Madonna.
from: Share International, June 1998
potato attracts thousands in India
Thousands of Indian Muslims have been to view a miraculous potato which
came to light in north eastern India. Momina Ahmed, a housewife, discovered
the words "Allah" and "Mohammed" on the separate halves
of the potato which she had just cut in two. The two halves are now on display
in the local mosque.
Since the moment the miraculous sign was discovered, says Momina's husband,
Moinuddin Ahmed, more than10,000 Muslim faithful have visited
the building to view the miracle.
(Source: de Volkskrant, the Netherlands)
from: Share International, October 1997
pet shop fish
A group of Muslims in the central valley California town of Lodi report
that a pet albino tiger oscar fish has markings on its right fluorescent
orange flank
that spell out the word "Allah" in Arabic. Hyatullah Ahmadi bought
the fish for $36, and since the purchase as many as 50 Muslims a day have
visited his home to look at the fish. Although he was offered up to $1,000
for the fish, he says he plans to keep it as a symbol of God's power. "It's
a sign of Allah," said Ahmadi, a student of the holy book of Islam,
the Koran. "If He wants to write His name on any kind of animal or
thing, He can do it."
(Source: Associated Press)
from: Share International, September 1997
On 20 February 1997, Mr Sidat, a fruit and vegetable wholesaler and chairman
of the Madina Mosque in Hackney, north London, was amazed to
discover on slicing an aubergine that the seeds spelt out the Arabic script
for 'Allah'. Since the miracle, streams of people have visited Mr Sidat
and seen the aubergine which he intends to cut up and share with family
and friends.
"We feel really blessed that this has happened to us and when I spoke
to one of the elders at the mosque he said it must be a good omen."
(Source: Hackney's Gazette, UK)
Editorial note
Editorial note:
Creme's Master confirms that this manifestation was created by Maitreya.
According to Benjamin Creme, editor of Share
International magazine, all the miracles are signs of the imminent
emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his group, the Masters of
Wisdom. They are the custodians of the Divine Plan for this planet and
are returning now to show us the way out of our current difficulties and
bring the new teachings which will guide humanity towards its next evolutionary
step. Soon we will see Maitreya on television, interviewed on a major
American network and hear his call for sharing and justice, as the only
way to peace.
Benjamin Creme writes: "Over many years Maitreya and his group of Masters
have saturated the world with miracles. All religious groups look for
signs. It is through the signs that they know the teacher is in the world
or is coming into the world. You only have to keep awake and you will
see that signs are everywhere. In every country in the world, in every
religious setting, there are signs of one kind or another."
His telepathic contact with a Master of Wisdom allows Benjamin Creme to
receive up-to-date information on the Maitreya's emergence and to expand
on the Ageless Wisdom Teachings. Through this contact Benjamin Creme's
Master regularly confirms whether a phenomenon is a miracle that was manifested
by one or other of the Masters. Most the miracles are manifested by Maitreya
Himself, the Master Jesus or the Master Who was the Madonna.
from: Share International, April 1997
On 20 January 1996, just before the Feast of Ramadan, a farmer in Taiba-Ndiassana,
Senegal, discovered to his surprise a watermelon on which the name of Allah
had appeared. After the phenomenon had been confirmed by the local Muslim
religious authority, it was then authenticated by the Islamic Institute
in Dakar. According to Sheik Absoul Moneim Zein another word can also be
seen on the watermelon just next to the name of Allah -- Hamdoulillah --
which means "Praise be to God".
Last year similar signs appeared also on the eve of Ramadan. The same Sheik
Moneim confirmed the appearance of the name Allah on the scales of a fish
caught near Popenguine, home to the largest Catholic community in Senegal.
Although European media devote little coverage to these events, newspapers
in Africa have carried numerous articles about similar incidents in recent
years, for instance, the baby of two Christian parents in Chad who was born
with the sign of the Prophet Mohammed on his hand. Newspapers in Dakar published
a photograph of a forest in Germany in which a verse from the Koran could
be read in the shapes of some of the trees.
(Source: L' Actualite Religieuse, France)
Editorial note
Editorial note:
Creme's Master confirms these and similar phenomena as "signs"
of Maitreya's presence.
According to Benjamin Creme, editor of Share
International magazine, all the miracles are signs of the imminent
emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his group, the Masters of
Wisdom. They are the custodians of the Divine Plan for this planet and
are returning now to show us the way out of our current difficulties and
bring the new teachings which will guide humanity towards its next evolutionary
step. Soon we will see Maitreya on television, interviewed on a major
American network and hear his call for sharing and justice, as the only
way to peace.
Benjamin Creme writes: "Over many years Maitreya and his group of Masters
have saturated the world with miracles. All religious groups look for
signs. It is through the signs that they know the teacher is in the world
or is coming into the world. You only have to keep awake and you will
see that signs are everywhere. In every country in the world, in every
religious setting, there are signs of one kind or another."
His telepathic contact with a Master of Wisdom allows Benjamin Creme to
receive up-to-date information on the Maitreya's emergence and to expand
on the Ageless Wisdom Teachings. Through this contact Benjamin Creme's
Master regularly confirms whether a phenomenon is a miracle that was manifested
by one or other of the Masters. Most the miracles are manifested by Maitreya
Himself, the Master Jesus or the Master Who was the Madonna.
from: Share International July/August 1996
The home of Salim and Ruksana Patel, in Bolton, England, has recently been
inundated with about 50 visitors a day, coming to see their miraculous aubergine.
Mrs Patel foresaw the miracle in a dream after she'd bought the aubergine
from their local shop. On slicing the vegetable in half, she saw that the
seeds were formed in the Muslim symbol "Ya-Allah", meaning Allah
Mr Patel said: "I felt so excited I
ran round to the priest and he confirmed that it was indeed a miracle."
Abdulla Patel, priest of the local Masjide-Gosia mosque, said: "In
all my 30 years as a priest, I have never witnessed anything like this.
is wonderful for the community, and for Salim ..."
When the aubergine has been displayed for several weeks in the mosque it
will be divided into small pieces and shared among the faithful.
(Source: Daily Mail, UK)
Editorial note
Editorial note:
Creme's Master confirms that Maitreya was responsible for this miracle.
According to Benjamin Creme, editor of Share
International magazine, all the miracles are signs of the imminent
emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his group, the Masters of
Wisdom. They are the custodians of the Divine Plan for this planet and
are returning now to show us the way out of our current difficulties and
bring the new teachings which will guide humanity towards its next evolutionary
step. Soon we will see Maitreya on television, interviewed on a major
American network and hear his call for sharing and justice, as the only
way to peace.
Benjamin Creme writes: "Over many years Maitreya and his group of Masters
have saturated the world with miracles. All religious groups look for
signs. It is through the signs that they know the teacher is in the world
or is coming into the world. You only have to keep awake and you will
see that signs are everywhere. In every country in the world, in every
religious setting, there are signs of one kind or another."
His telepathic contact with a Master of Wisdom allows Benjamin Creme to
receive up-to-date information on the Maitreya's emergence and to expand
on the Ageless Wisdom Teachings. Through this contact Benjamin Creme's
Master regularly confirms whether a phenomenon is a miracle that was manifested
by one or other of the Masters. Most the miracles are manifested by Maitreya
Himself, the Master Jesus or the Master Who was the Madonna.
from: Share International, June 1996