to Tlacote
Gill Fry
In the July/August 1992 issue* of Share International, Benjamin Creme's
Master spoke of "a new phase in the reappearance of the Christ",
saying that "news of an astonishing manifestation will travel, awakening
the slumbering sceptics to the miracle in their midst. In time, even biased
and cynical media will find it difficult to gainsay the experience of
thousands that the 'age of miracles' has no end."
Since May 1991, in the small town of Tlacote, two and a half hours' drive
north of Mexico City, a well has been producing 'miracle water'. The ranch
owner, Mr Chahin, discovered the healing properties when his injured dog
recovered rapidly, having drunk the water. After successful tests on his
ranch workers, he opened up his gates to the public. Under analysis the
water was found to be lighter than normal water and Benjamin Creme has
explained that "a certain proportion of the atoms have been made
sub-atomic - and charged with cosmic energy - by Maitreya." In due
course similar manifestations will occur, near the cities where Maitreya
has appeared.
Gill Fry, a Share International co-worker in London, went to Tlacote in
July 1992 and has written the following report.
a professional nurse, I was fascinated by reports of Tlacote water having
healed so many ailments, including diabetes, epilepsy, arthritis, cancer
and even AIDS. Having worked with patients for 10 years who have suffered
the pain and anguish of such diseases, the idea of finding a cure, or
partial cure, was indescribably exciting.
It was thus that I set out, in July this year, on a quest to Mexico to
collect the 'miracle water' from Tlacote. From what I had read, I was
expecting some hardship - at the very least to wait in line for three
or four days and nights, in near tropical temperatures, and took with
me a comprehensive survival kit (mosquito net, sunscreens, bedding, etc)
and arrived prepared for any eventuality! I had also read that each person's
water ration was generally three litres, and brought along several plastic
containers. In the event, my expectations could not have been more wrong.
A wonderfully kind colleague of Benjamin Creme in Mexico City took charge
of me, drove me to Tlacote and, speaking the local language (which I do
not), overcame each barrier and problem. Every door seemed wide open.
My three-day stint turned into a mere three-hour wait; my water ration
increased from three to 38 litres; and more wonderful still, I witnessed
the most extraordinary photograph possibly in existence, which confirmed
everything I had believed in for the last six years.
May 1991 three million people have been to Tlacote and at least six million
people have drunk the water. The ranch owner, Mr Chahin, keeps the registration
files of every visitor, some of whom have travelled from as far as Europe
and Russia. Many Mexican Government officials, politicians, and artists
have been seen waiting in the queue which varies in size from 5,000 to
10,000 daily. The ranch is very clean and the buildings brightly painted.
Huge, lush trees provide the crowd with welcome shade from the scorching
sun. I had imagined a dry, desert scene with chaotic, endless lines of
exhausted people, but found everything very well organized with the queue
moving quickly and efficiently. After registering, Mrs Chahin, the rancher's
wife and resident doctor, checks each visitor's medical certificate and
decides on an appropriate quota and dosage, prescribing the water orally,
or externally as eyedrops, or enemas or direct application to the skin
for skin cancer, eczema, etc.
must be an exhausting job answering a deluge of questions from thousands
of people everyday, yet she performs her task with endless patience and
kindness, offering her advice freely. None of the ranch hands receives
any money for this service and they work from 9.30 to 15.30 hours every
day. Mr Chahin has never charged for the water, but considering the time
and effort involved, to my mind a voluntary donation scheme could provide
extra support and may sometime be introduced.
After the doctor's consultation, one stands in line to receive the water.
Huge stainless steel tanks, which the Government assisted in providing,
pump the water to the plastic taps from the deep artesian well that, we
are told, will never run dry. Having thought about this moment for months,
I felt great elation as I watched my containers being filled. All my hopes
were coming to pass and I had been given more water than I had ever dreamt
Thanking the ranch workers and tightening the lids further, I briefly
pondered on the practicalities of carrying 38 litres of water, and the
daunting thought of customs! (Curiously, in the event, nobody at customs
asked a single question about the weight or contents of my overloaded
bags, overflowing with 'miracle water'). Such worries were quickly dispelled
as I was handed a cup of the water.
It tasted wonderful - slightly sweet, pure and light. By the end of the
day I had been given three cupfuls and some days later realized my mistake!
I was to suffer a gastric upset for a week. The water is totally clean
and pure, but very potent. The dosage needed is very small indeed. A couple
of teaspoonfuls would have been plenty for me.
was shown around Mr Chahin's office which had two long walls stacked with
visitor's files, and shelves covered with water-testing apparatus. Just
as I was leaving, I was shown a framed photograph with the most extraordinary
history and phenomenal implications. A man who had drunk the water, and
had been healed, took numerous photographs of the ranch. On returning
home, he had one frame left on his film. Anxious to finish and develop
the film, he took a photograph of his new television set.
The television was not on; the screen was blank. To his astonishment after
the film was developed the last shot showed the television screen with
a face upon it: the face of Christ with a crown of thorns on His head.
I felt myself shiver as I looked at the powerful image. With limited time,
I quickly took several photographs, hoping I could capture the rather
faint impression, with the complications of bright sunlight and a reflecting
glass covering.
the photographs I took seem even stronger than the original, and the face
is clearly visible. Benjamin Creme's Master has since explained that this
was Maitreya's 'signature' or 'calling card'. As if to say: "Maitreya
has been here, charged the water, and manifested this remarkable image"
- a preview of events on the Day of Declaration. The face is of Maitreya
looking as many expect to see Jesus Christ returned. In fact, that I understand
is how many Christians will see Him on that day. This photograph confirms
what Benjamin Creme has been saying for the last 18 years about the Christ's
appearance on the Day of Declaration, and surely indicates that this great
day is not far off.
Travelling home with my exciting news, dragging my bags full of water,
I felt triply blessed - my wait in line had been so short; I had been
given gallons of water; and I had witnessed the most tangible evidence
of Maitreya's presence.
Source: Share International, September
(Tlacote Water: the well is on the Ranch of Senor Jesus Chahin in the
town Tlacote, 15 miles from the city of Queretaro which by car is 2 1/2
hours north of Mexico City.)
Editor's Note: We have since had Tlacote Water prepared in homoeopathic
potency by Messrs Ainsworths Homoeopathic Pharmacy, 38 New Cavendish Street,
London W1M 7LH, UK. Telephone: 071-935 5330. Fax 071-486 4313. Internet:
It is available in 6c potency to 30c potency as: tablets, ointment, drops
(in alcohol), and eye drops (ask for it in distilled water). As a general
rule, the 6 potency should be used (sparingly) for chronic conditions.
The 30 potency should be used, still sparingly but more frequently, for
more severe illnesses.
Readers please note: Share International Staff (at any office) cannot
be responsible for advice or acquiring of Tlacote water or homoeopathic
potencies of this water. All orders for such homoeopathic potencies should
be made directly to Messrs Ainsworths at the above address. They will
be happy to send by post.
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