Madonna statue weeps blood near Delhi
A statue of the Madonna was found to be bleeding from both eyes, in the chapel of Carmelite of Mary Immaculate (CMI) House, Marianagar, Ghaziabad, near Delhi, India. The miracle took place over three consecutive days from 14 July 2012.
The event was first noticed by a maid called Sunita on Saturday around 11.30 am when she came to clean the chapel. "Today when I was about to wipe and clean the statue of Mother Mary with a cloth I found tears of blood rolling from Mother Mary's eyes. I cried aloud. I couldn't believe my eyes so I rubbed the blood from the statue but the flow continued," Sunitha said.
News spread quickly and people started arriving at the chapel to see the miracle. By the evening around 3,000 people had visited the statue.
The priest in charge of the house, Father Kizhakkayil, came to the chapel to offer Holy Mass. "Now the flow was heavy and the blood was falling on the table where the statue was kept," he said.
Blood samples were taken for testing at the local hospital, St Joseph's. "The results show that the blood group is B positive," he added. Many people are visiting the chapel and praying in front of the statue.
(Quelle: CBCINews)
(Benjamin Creme's Master confirms that the miracle was manifested by the Master Who was the Madonna)
from: Share International, December 2012
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