water of Nordenau
Waters of Life of Aquarius will enter mans life on all levels, and
from this stimulus a new man will be born
This Gift of Life the
Christ will bestow, revealing Himself as the Water Carrier..."
(Benjamin Creme's Master in Share International, May 1982)
"... a network is being created (by the Lord Maitreya)
throughout the world, energetically linked together; a network of the
Waters of Life.
the life more abundantly is, precisely,
the Waters of Life of Aquarius.
inevitably bringing about tremendous
changes in consciousness, and also curing the physical ills, strengthening
the physical body, of humanity.."
(Benjamin Creme in Share International, November 1993)
by Paul Zwaga, Amsterdam
its discovery in 1992 the spring of healing water in Nordenau, Germany,
has been visited daily by hundreds of people from all over the world.
The spring is in a slate mine on the property of the Hotel Tommes in the
Winterberg mountains near Düsseldorf. Newspaper and television reports
have spoken of miraculous healings attributed to the water, as people
said to have been declared incurable by medical science have been healed
of a variety of illnesses and medical conditions.
A particularly interesting story is that of an 18-year-old boy from Kiev.
He and a number of other "children from Chernobyl" had been
invited to Nordenau by Mr and Mrs Tommes (proprietors of Hotel Tommes).
As a result of the nuclear accident at the Chernobyl power plant the boy
was suffering from a very unusual form of lymphatic cancer which had already
spread to his stomach and chest. This meant that he experienced great
difficulty in breathing and was easily exhausted.
had given up on him, declaring him to be incurably ill. During his visit
to Nordenau he went to the spring in the mine twice a day and after some
time was well enough to cycle over the surrounding hills on a mountain-bike.
After a stay of five weeks the symptoms of his illness had virtually disappeared.
On leaving Germany and returning to Kiev the young man got a job and says
he feels fine.
Research carried out in 1992 by a Dr Steinbruck from Frankfurt involved
investigating the cases of 42 visitors to the healing spring; of these
30 per cent were completely cured; in 28 per cent of the cases there was
a significant improvement in their condition; and in 26 per cent their
condition had improved to some extent. These findings were confirmed by
doctors. Recent research carried out by a Dr Gadek on 515 visitors who
had drunk water from the spring, showed that, independent of age and personality
type, in almost all cases there was a significant improvement in the quality
of life after drinking the healing water.
Nordenau water was tested and investigated in the laboratories of Professor
Shirahata in Fukuoha in Japan. It was discovered that diseases and conditions
such as cataracts and arthritis and the initial stages of multiple sclerosis
respond well to, and can be successfully treated with, Nordenau water.
In May 1999 Professor Shirahata addressed a conference on molecular biology
in Lugano, Switzerland, and spoke of the 'phenomenal' healing power of
Nordenau water. He is currently studying the effects of the water on tumours
and plans to publish his findings in 2000. Information about various studies
is available from the Hotel Tommes.
the entrance to the tunnel which leads into the hillside and to the spring,
facilities have been provided for visitors, and the mine grotto where
the spring is located has also been made accessible to wheelchairs.
Visitors may fill up and take away two litre bottles of water. For those
who cannot visit Nordenau the water can be ordered (maximum 10 litres)
if packaging and postage are paid.
Information: Landhotel Tommes, Talweg 14, D-57392 Schmallenberg-Nordenau;
Tel: ++ (0)29 75 - 962 20, Fax: 962 21 65; Internet: <www.stollen-nordenau.de>
(See also article "Healing
water found in Germany" by Memo Neupert in Share International,
January/February 1993)
Paul Zwaga is a Share International co-worker from Amsterdam, the
note Editorial
Creme, in the January/February 1993 issue of Share International, wrote:
"My Master confirms this spring was charged by Maitreya in December
1991 before His appearance at Düsseldorf, north of Cologne, in April
to Benjamin Creme, editor of Share
International magazine, all the miracles are signs of the imminent
emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his group, the Masters of
Wisdom. They are the custodians of the Divine Plan for this planet and
are returning now to show us the way out of our current difficulties and
bring the new teachings which will guide humanity towards its next evolutionary
step. Soon we will see Maitreya on television, interviewed on a major
American network and hear his call for sharing and justice, as the only
way to peace.
Benjamin Creme writes: "Over many years Maitreya and his group of Masters
have saturated the world with miracles. All religious groups look for
signs. It is through the signs that they know the teacher is in the world
or is coming into the world. You only have to keep awake and you will
see that signs are everywhere. In every country in the world, in every
religious setting, there are signs of one kind or another."
His telepathic contact with a Master of Wisdom allows Benjamin Creme to
receive up-to-date information on the Maitreya's emergence and to expand
on the Ageless Wisdom Teachings. Through this contact Benjamin Creme's
Master regularly confirms whether a phenomenon is a miracle that was manifested
by one or other of the Masters. Most of the miracles are manifested by
Maitreya Himself, the Master Jesus or the Master Who was the Madonna.
Source: Share International, March 2000
Reprinted by courtesy of © Share