healing well springs anew
An Irish healing well, lost since being filled in on the instructions
of local churchmen in the 1930s, has been linked with a number of extraordinary
healings since its sudden reappearance in spring 1996.
Douglas, a dairy farmer near Ballivor in the Boyne Valley, northwest of
Dublin, Ireland, was alerted to a 'hole full of water' by his son Ian.
On investigation, he discovered a large crater with water bubbling out
of it in the corner of one of his fields. He began pumping the water away
and excavated the crater and the area around it with a mechanical digger.
Hours later, the water level had dropped sufficiently to reveal a rock
cavern, 30 feet by 20 feet wide and more than 15 feet deep. The following
morning it was full of water again.
Mr Douglas's local research revealed that there had been a healing well
there before which was used by a local herbalist and healer. On her death,
Mr Douglas's grandfather had filled the well at the request of local church
elders, to prevent it being used for 'pagan' healing practices.
Mr Douglas introduced the water to different healers to evaluate its healing
properties and positive feedback was soon reported: increased tolerance
of the effects of chemotherapy; glandular problems and alcoholism cured;
relief from heart complaints. In particular, Thomas, a 13-year-old boy
suffering from cystic fibrosis (a progressive disease in which excessive
mucus in the lungs restricts breathing) began drinking more than a litre
of the water daily as part of his treatment. Less than eight weeks after
beginning the water treatment, Thomas was well enough to run up steps.
Mr Douglas has secured the well under cover of a stone cairn building
and continues to research the water's healing properties.
Contact Benjamin Douglas: Tel: 0035-3405-46258
note Editorial
Creme's Master confirms that the healing water is charged by the Master
to Benjamin Creme, editor of Share
International magazine, all the miracles are signs of the imminent
emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his group, the Masters of
Wisdom. They are the custodians of the Divine Plan for this planet and
are returning now to show us the way out of our current difficulties and
bring the new teachings which will guide humanity towards its next evolutionary
step. Soon we will see Maitreya on television, interviewed on a major
American network and hear his call for sharing and justice, as the only
way to peace.
Benjamin Creme writes: "Over many years Maitreya and his group of Masters
have saturated the world with miracles. All religious groups look for
signs. It is through the signs that they know the teacher is in the world
or is coming into the world. You only have to keep awake and you will
see that signs are everywhere. In every country in the world, in every
religious setting, there are signs of one kind or another."
His telepathic contact with a Master of Wisdom allows Benjamin Creme to
receive up-to-date information on the Maitreya's emergence and to expand
on the Ageless Wisdom Teachings. Through this contact Benjamin Creme's
Master regularly confirms whether a phenomenon is a miracle that was manifested
by one or other of the Masters. Most of the miracles are manifested by
Maitreya Himself, the Master Jesus or the Master Who was the Madonna.
Source: Share International, September 2002
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